Friday, March 14, 2008

The Ex Got One on Me....

You know how you buy gifts for kids that will annoy the parents. Well the ex got me this time, and its Friday and don't think he won't hear about it. Who in their right mind would give my boys airsoft guns?? Well the Ex did and sent them home 2 weeks back with a mason jar full of these little annoying balls. Not only have they shot each other with them but where shooting themselves inside the house. My floors have this neon orange glow to them because there are so many of them. I found them in the top of the stove, the sink, in the dog bowl (sure the dog will appreciate that later) The only entertainment that these things have brought me is when you throw one across the tiled floor the cats go nuts..hours of cheap entertainment for me. I guess I should be thankful that he didn't send them home with paintball guns...hey wait a minute, now there's an visit with Dad, I am sending them fully loaded with paintballs and guns. Good luck to them with that mess. I finally pulled out the shop vac to suck all these little annoying balls up with and when I say hundreds of them, I am serious, there are hundreds of them around the house. See what I get when I am sick. The boys may come home to find Mom in camo in the house, playing sniper with the airsoft gun because this is just insane at how many there are and where I am finding them. Wish them luck on dodging Mom's accurate aim. Thank God for Weapon training in the Navy, I can handle this assignment. Bet they won't find it fun anymore...NO MOM, I am not really going to shoot the boys with the airsoft gun, but man this is out of control.

1 comment:

StarSraps said...

LOL LOL LOL! Now that's funny! Love your Kit! Working on a LO for you right now with Hot Pink Dreams! Glad your feeling better!!!